My Halloween Hangover
So it was my little flatmates 7th birthday, and her mom announced that we’ll make it a Halloween themed costume party. To be honest we (Rupal and I) weren’t that excited and Rupal quite reluctantly bought some masks the previous night. Since I sit at home and listen to radio the whole day long while making those terrible applications, I was sort of inspired by the RJs talking about Halloween costumes, and I thought of getting my lazy bum off the chair and make myself some costume. I thought for a while and settled for the tried and tested ‘catwoman’. But after looking in my suitcase and around the house, the only useful material I could find was foil paper. So I had to water down the idea and settle for just ‘cat’. Hahahha. So, I made myself some ears and a tail and painted some whiskers on my cheeks. I thought it was going on pretty well. The kids were getting excited, and I just thought to myself –
‘Thank God for putting some enthusiasm in me’! Rupal came in by then, and she dressed up as a witch complete in black, a complementing hairdo and cap, broom stick, and red lipstick. However, the ‘halloween star’ of the evening was one the guys whom I painted as ‘The zombie joker’. The real star of the evening was of course Cris – the seven year old ‘pretty lady’ ... well actually no ... ‘hot bombshell’ is what she is prefers being referred to as ;-P
We even managed to fit in some divali celebration (divali is just round the corner – 5th November) by bursting crackers and lighting some fireworks. There were rockets and flowerpots and hand glitters. After that we came on top and played some kiddy party games which is always fun especially when washed down with some wine ;-) Aha... enter wine, and now begins my real Halloween ! So, apparently I had a bit too much. Well, Rupal claims that I had some of her glasses as well.. so I don’t have a count now. But I know what followed was sheer horror.. like the real one. Well, not immediately of course. I do have evidence of dancing around – thankfully pretty composed.
I don’t remember having any dinner, and the next thing I remember was lying on the floor in my bedroom with Rupal standing over me and blabbering something ‘are u okay ? ... what is happening ... fi get up ... what are u doing there ?’. That must have been in the middle of the night sometime. The next thing I remember was waking up in the afternoon with a massive headache and the whole bedroom being messed up. There was a really odd odour as well all round (well ... uh... yucks I know), and I just could not figure out what was happening. With my head still spinning, I tried to sit up but could just not do it. Rupal woke up as well, and she seemed pretty okay – well not as bad as me, and she was still rambling about me having her wine. Hahahahah. She made me some coffee which I could not even sip. Well, I was living a nightmare. We pulled apart the curtains for some light and then realised that the whole room was a mess. I seriously have no memory of what happened and felt so embarrassed. There was no way we could let the kids enter the room - which they do very often ! And with me having a head as heavy as a hundred pumpkins, it was upto Rupal to do the honors of cleaning around.
After feeling miserable for another couple of hours, I finally got the strength to get up from the bed and get all that poison out of my system. Horrible, terrible. I thought I was dying – seriously. ! hhahha I’m laughing now, but it was the worst I’ve ever felt, well almost ! After talking some nonsense for some more time, I finally slept relieved and got up at eight at night. What an utter waste of an entire day. I’m just glad I am alive and fine, it got really scary with me getting breathless and pale and with Rupal suggesting we should go to the doctor. I almost thought I was poisoned. It is now officially in my book – No more white wine for me – Never Ever ... No NO NOOO.
Well, it was a true Halloween night for me, and I am still nursing some cuts and bruises on my feet. And I have no idea where that came from! Hahahha... well something like the movie ‘The hangover’. I’m just glad I have all my teeth intact and there was no tiger in the bathroom ;-)
Well, phew ... so that’s it from me. A bit gross I know, but that was as “happening” as it gets (pun intended).
Hope all of you had a lovely... errr.. scary... Halloween ! Take Care. Eagerly awaiting New Years !
Hey that's fantastic! Sorry about the late reply. You really keeping away from the wine are you? Hahaha! We'll see what you're drinking this New Years!